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Virtual Learning Academy Consortium

About VLAC

Welcome to Virtual Learning Academy Consortium!

VLAC is a high-quality, home-based virtual learning opportunity for students in grades Kindergarten - Twelfth grade. Our program is a public school option for families preferring a flexible environment and who are willing to guide their child's learning. Parents, students and staff in the VLAC program work together to keep our students engaged and excited about learning.

We know that an excellent education can happen when parents and schools become true partners in a child’s education. VLAC is a partnership that ensures that a warm, meaningful and supportive environment is established from the very beginning of a child’s educational experience. This partnership also allows each child to flourish and become a well-rounded and unique person whose individual strengths and talents can be developed to their full potential.

Over 50 school districts in the State of Michigan participate with VLAC. Students must be enrolled in a participating district in order to enroll. Enrollment consists of a short online MISTAR portion for families. Once online family enrollment is complete, participating districts approve each enrollment. After district approval families and students can choose to participate in a variety of orientation activities with their VLAC Mentor Teacher. 

VLAC Teacher Mentors are available to support students during regular school hours. Students in Grades 9-12 also have content area teachers from our course provider Lincoln who are highly qualified teachers in the State of Michigan. VLAC Teacher Mentors for students in Grades K-8 offer one live lesson per week. Students are encouraged but not required to attend. 

VLAC students take required State of Michigan assessments such as WIDA, M-Step, PSAT 8, 9 & 10 and SAT at our physical location in Waterford Michigan. Students in Grades K-8 participate in regular nationally normed diagnostic through i-Ready. All K-8 students have access to i-Ready personalized instruction reading and mathematics licenses in order to further advance or remediate areas of learning specific to student needs. 

VLAC has in person enrichment opportunities throughout the school year. Mentor Teachers, families and students participate in engaging in person learning experiences at a variety of locations around Oakland and other counties.  

Is Virtual Learning Right for Your Family?

For families in a variety of situations, virtual learning is a flexible way to learn, grow and succeed.

Check out this article to learn more

Oakland VLAC logo

Contact Us

Main Office: 248-209-2071
Toll Free: (888) 638-8949
Fax: (248) 209-2130

Email: email address is checked and answered daily.

Amanda McKay, Ph.D. 

Supervisor of Student Programs 

Email or phone: 248-804-4366

Andrea Becker

VLAC Lead Instructor


Kristi McAllister

Special Populations Consultant


Kimberly Mason

Project Assistant VLAC

Email or phone: 248-209-2025


VLAC is a proud part of Oakland Schools Student Services Department.

Every Student. Every Day.

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