VLAC Counselors
VLAC Counseling Staff are available by appointment to assist students and families with course selection and scheduling now.
Meet Our Team
Christine Connell: Greetings! I am excited to join the VLAC team as one of the counselors for our secondary program. I am a retired school counselor and former 6th grade teacher with over 26 years of experience in both K-12 and Higher Ed. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a Masters of Arts in Teaching with the School Counseling Endorsement. I am excited to work with our VLAC students and families. I want to encourage you to feel free to contact me at any time. My email is christine.connell@oakland.k12.mi.us.
Mrs. Connell can be reached at 248-980-0831.
Schedule Appointment with Mrs. Connell
Kim Wasilk: Hello all! My name is Kim Wasilk and I am a retired school counselor and a former teacher with over 25 years of experience in education. I have a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. I also earned two master's degrees. One in the Art of Teaching and the other in Guidance Counseling. I have always had a passion for working with others and helping them to reach their goals. I look forward to meeting and working with my VLAC students and their families. My email is kimberly.wasilk@oakland.k12.mi.us.
Mrs. Wasilk can be reached at 248-980-0752.
Schedule Appointment with Mrs. Wasilk
Counselors divide student caseloads by sending school districts. See the breakdown below for the breakdown of which district.
Mrs. Connell's Districts | Mrs. Wasilk's Districts |