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Virtual Learning Academy Consortium


VLAC provides numerous opportunities for families to explore the curriculum and prepare for a productive year of learning and development. Every student and family must attend at least one mandatory family orientation session. These sessions will take place in August on Thursdays at 6 PM and in September with your mentor teacher. The specific times for sessions with your mentor teacher will be communicated during the first week of school. We also encourage families to participate in our learning sessions with our vendors, Lincoln and Imagine.

Required Student and Family Orientation

VLAC orientation will be scheduled for 2025-26

a boy is using laptop with his dad


Lincoln and Imagine Learning Family Sessions

In collaboration with Lincoln Learning, Imagine Learning, VLAC families get an introductory look at the curriculum through the student experience. VLAC will cover student and family expectations and other important information during this time. Both presentations are the same content and you only need to select one time slot for the curriculum you are enrolled with.

View Lincoln and Imagine Parents/Family Online Orientations
Subjects Grades Links to View
Lincoln Learning Solutions and Support K-12 View Lincoln Orientation
Imagine Learning Orientations 6-8 View Imagine 6-8 Orientation
(Passcode: dt=VIZ3L)
9-12 View Imagine 9-12 Orientation