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Virtual Learning Academy Consortium

High School Curriculum

High School Curriculum (Grades 9-12)

The foundation of the Virtual Learning Academy Consortium High School is a curriculum offered through Imagine and Lincoln Learning Solutions. Upon completion of enrollment, student complete a Learning Profile activity which helps inform which curriculum options are best fit to students' unique needs. Students can choose a combination of Imagine and Lincoln Learning classes in order to meet their needs. With single sign in capabilities through Clever, students will find navigating between two curriculum vendors easy. 

VLAC 2023-24 Course Guide Grades 9-12 (PDF)

Orientation Courses and Activities

Upon enrollment, students will complete the Lincoln Orientation Courses and Imagine Orientation Courses.

Core Courses

Students begin their core Lincoln Learning and Imagine Learning courses from subjects: English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies and World Languages. Click on the images below to view course list for each subject.

Elective Courses

Vendor Information

Lincoln logo

Lincoln Empowered offers standards-based courses that make it possible for schools to meet the needs of students who want to learn in subject areas. Lincoln Empowered courses give students multiple ways to engage with, understand, and demonstrate mastery of the course content.

Read More about Lincoln Learning

VLAC Mentor Teachers

High school students have a VLAC teacher mentor who is a full time Oakland Schools State of Michigan certified teacher. Your VLAC mentor teacher is available during school hours to assist and ensure your success in online learning. VLAC mentors monitor student progress and contact students weekly. Mentors communicate with parents and enrolling school contacts such as school counselors in order to support students learning. Teachers are available for online, phone, and text support during school hours. 

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Imagine and Lincoln Content Teachers

High school students have a State of Michigan content area certified teacher for each course in which they are enrolled through Imagine and Lincoln. These teachers communicate weekly with students in their online courses, provide feedback on student work submission, and are available to correspond during office hours, via email and phone. 

VLAC Credit Requirements and Graduation

VLAC upholds the graduation requirements of your enrolling district. Program staff collaborate with high school counselors, students and families to ensure students are enrolled in classes that meet graduation requirements. At the end of each semester, VLAC mentor teachers enter grades into report cards which are shared with enrolling schools. Enrolling schools use report card data to transcript courses from VLAC report cards to enrolling district credit structures. Once graduation requirements are met, students graduate from the high school or district issuing the diploma.